Bop Diva Site Updates

Bop Diva Site Updates


  • Revised the ‘Test Modes’ tab so that all foreign / international versions of Bop It and their Revision Numbers are listed in red.


  • Fixed a micalculation where the total number of Bop It units in the Tally List spreadsheet accidentally had one extra. The revised total is now 223.


  • Added a Bop It (2019) and a Bop It Micro Series to the Counter after checking for new revisions, as well as a Bop It Smash found at the thrift store, bringing the total to 224.


  • Added a Bop It Carabiner in a different package design to the Counter, bringing the total to 221.


  • Added a Black Bop It Extreme 2 to the Counter, bringing the total to 220.

  • Added the Black Bop It Extreme 2 to the gallery in the ‘Collection’ tab.


  • Added the Boplexa from the Bop Diva YouTube channel to the ‘Concepts’ page.

  • Removed events that are past due from the ‘Events’ page, and also added a new event to the page as well.


  • Added a 2006 Bop It Pen new in the box to the Counter, bringing the total up to 219.


  • Updated one of the Q&A sections on the homepage to say the 5000 subscribers milestone has been achieved.


  • Added the ‘Bop It Smash for Google Home Mini’ concept edit from 2023 into the ‘Concepts’ tab.


  • Placed an updated photo of the closet where my Bop It Collection resides on the homepage, where it shows lots more Bop It units!

  • Removed events that are out of date from the ‘Events’ tab.


  • Added a Bop It Smash: Pokémon Edition box art design to the 2022 section of the ‘Concepts’ page.

  • Added a new event to the ‘Events’ tab for Round 3 of Custom Bop It Fail Comments by viewers of the Bop Diva YouTube channel!


  • Removed the German McDonald’s Bop It from 2019, as well as the cardboard die from the ‘Collection’ gallery.


  • The Bop It Micro Series with 4 foreign languages on the box now has a freshly cleaned battery compartment. It turns out that it speaks English. It’s a 1.0 revision.


  • Added a Bop It Micro Series that appears to be in 4 foreign languages on the box, but the unit has battery corrosion in it. This increases the total to 218.


  • Added a White Bop It Extreme 2 to the gallery in the ‘Collection’ tab.

  • Increased the Bop It counter up by 1, now making a total of 217.


  • Added a Bop It Micro 2.0 and a Bop It Classic 5.0 to the Counter while checking for new revisions, bringing the total number of units to 216.


  • Updates were made to the ‘Concepts’ page to include details about the Bop It wrist accessory for the World’s Smallest Bop It that was made for the giveaway on the Bop Diva YouTube channel back in Fall 2024.


  • Added a page to the site called ‘Concepts’, which shows the many different custom Bop It concepts Kat has made over the years.


  • Updated Katherine’s photo in ‘About’.


  • Found out there is a 2024 World’s Smallest Bop It (a 3.0; Refresh US 4) that correlates with the Bop It (2019) 5.0 revision. Increased the Bop It Counter to 214.


  • Disabled TikTok in the list of social links on the site, as TikTok has been banned in the United States. Hoping it gets revived soon.


  • Gave the Bop Diva website a completely new design for the new year, switching the pink to a much more modern white and gray color palette to coincide with the new logo for 2025. This also includes updates to the fonts, which are commonly used in Bop Diva YouTube videos, including “Climate Crisis” for Headings, “Righteous” for Body Text, “Bebas Neue” for buttons, and “Helvetica Neue” for other miscellaneous pieces.

  • Posted information in the Q&A panel of the homepage about the occurrence of TikTok getting banned in the United States, as well as a spreadsheet with the view totals from all the ‘Bop It 60-Second Test Modes’ on the page.

  • Replaced the image of the broken Bop It Extreme 2 with a disassembled Bop It (2009) on the 404 Error page. To see it, go to a page that doesn’t exist, or type in a Bop Diva page link and intentionally misspell it.


  • Fixed an error in the ‘Collection’ gallery regarding the Pink Bop It Extreme 2, as well as removing the sister products (Top It, Zing It, Nujam Guitar, and Groove It) from the gallery.


  • Added a Bop It with Shout It: Clear Edition brand new in the box to the counter, where the counter now increases to 213.


  • Added a Test Mode Revision Number thanks to some feedback from one of the Bop Diva channel viewers!


  • Kicked off the new year with a completely new redesign of the Bop Diva logo in the ‘Shout It’ era’s aesthetic! The Bop Diva website will be under construction for a while throughout the first few months of 2025. Keep checking the ‘Updates’ page here to see how the progress is going!

  • Updated the favicon for the Bop Diva website, and even added one for when you’re browsing in Dark Mode!


  • Added the super hard-to-find Bop It Keychain from 2004 to the ‘Collection’ gallery, as well as increasing the ‘Counter’ by 1, making a total of 212.

  • Changed the copyright of the Bop Diva website on the website’s footer to 2025! Cheers!


  • I have decided to switch my last name from ‘Larkspur’ back to ‘Kaiser’. My family is starting to become more accepting now, even though they may not fully agree with it. This change has taken effect on all my socials, including my YouTube channel.


  • Replaced something to the gallery in the ‘Collection’ tab that says, “What are we to expect in 2025?”


  • Removed the ‘Version’ numbers from the updates on this page.

  • Revised the main website’s logo.

  • Disabled the ‘Divawards!’ page from the Bop Diva website.

  • Canceled the event scheduled for New Year’s Eve due to Kat taking a mental health break.

  • Removed TikTok social icon from navigation bar.

  • Removed Apple Music social icon from navigation bar.

  • Added the Twitch social icon to the navigation bar.

  • Disabled the ‘Fan Art!’ page temporarily.

  • Removed the social link buttons on the homepage.

  • Fixed a bug that went to a 404 Error when a button was clicked to view the Bop It counter.

  • Fixed a typo in one of the Q&A questions on the homepage.

  • Added a Q&A question about the total number of TikTok views for the ‘Bop It 60-Second Test Modes’.


  • The Bop It total drops to 211, as I choose to exclude the Bop It sister products at this point. I am only including ‘Bop It’ named things in the collection now.

  • Removed the sister products image from the Bop Diva homepage due to the change listed above.

  • Changed the title of the ‘Bopitropolis!’ page to simply ‘Counter’.


  • Enabled a page titled, ‘2025 Divawards!’, where fans and viewers of the Bop Diva YouTube channel can vote for their favorite Bop Diva videos from 2024, which will be announced on December 31, 2024.


  • Added a new piece to the ‘Fan Art!’ tab: a rendition of the Bop Diva wordmark logo, using the same style as the word ‘BOP’ in the original Bop It, made by a Bop Diva channel member, Noggin!


  • Removed an event from the ‘Events’ tab that is past its date.


  • Added a red Bop It Carabiner that was included in a packaged bundle with a 2013 Simon and a Simon Carabiner, bringing the total to 215. The Bop It in the box is the only thing that counts for this. The Simon games do not.


  • Added the Bop It Carabiner Blue variant to the collection, a World’s Smallest Bop It brand new in box (thought to be a new revision; we’re unsure), as well as the Bop It Katherine working mechanism. This brings the total up to 214 after some miscalculations in the spreadsheet used to log how many Bop It versions of each Kat owns. We are also uncertain as to whether the new in box Bop It Extreme (2022) unit in the closet was counted in the ‘Collection’ tab, as it was already counted in the spreadsheet, so we fixed that, too.

  • Added the Bop It Carabiner Blue variant to the ‘Collection’ tab gallery.


  • Updated some details on a Bop Diva page that is not available for public viewing yet.


  • Restored the ‘Collection’ tab back to where it’s supposed to be, as the ‘On-The-Dot!’ Challenge comes to an end.


  • Removed the ‘Top Favs!’ tab from the navigation bar, as the page has become out of date. There will be something similar to this tab coming in late November that a number of videos will appear that viewers can vote from for their favorites from 2024. The results will be tallied on December 31, 2024 as the New Year’s Eve Special for this year.


  • Added a Bop It Extreme (2022) new in box that was going to be used for a project or something, but decided to keep it new in the box as it is now and put it in the collection, increasing the total to 212.


  • Added a new page for the New Year’s Eve Special for the end of 2024.

  • Added the New Year’s Eve Special 2024 to the ‘Events’ tab.


  • Updated the ‘About’ photo of Katherine.


  • Increased the ‘Bopitropolis!’ total to 211, adding another Bop It Classic to the closet; the first Bop It being added to the collection in over a month.


  • Adjusted a mistake in the rules of the ‘On-The-Dot!’ page.

  • Removed a past event in the ‘Events’ tab, and added a short summary of the Bop Diva On-the-Dot Challenge in place of it!

  • Changed the Bop Diva logo on the website footer to a solid white instead of a semi-transparent white for consistency.


  • Changed the ‘About’ photo for Katherine, as well as adjusted her age in her about section, because September 26 is her birthday!

  • Removed Threads from the social media handles on the homepage.

  • Updated the description of the Apple Music link on the homepage.

  • Temporarily disabled the ‘Collection’ tab, and replaced it with a page called, ‘On-The-Dot!’ that shows how to enter and compete in a challenge for a giveaway! The ‘Collection’ tab will return to the website on Sunday, October 27, 2024.


  • Added an HTML countdown for time remaining to a Bop Diva page that will be enabled on Friday, September 27, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. Central.

  • Disabled the Ballzerko Leaderboard page from being able to be previewed on


  • Revised the date for the ‘Collection’ tab to be temporarily disabled back to the original date.

  • Changed the Bop Diva homepage logo and icons as Katherine exits her Rainbow Era and enters her Y2K Era!


  • Changed the date for ‘Collection’ tab to be temporarily disabled for a much earlier date than originally.


  • Increased the ‘Bopitropolis!’ total to 210, adding a Bop It Micro 1.0 and a Bop It Maker brand new in the box that were found at a thrift store!


  • Added Revision Numbers to the ‘Test Modes’ tab for a rare European Spanish Bop It Classic (2019), as well as the Revision Number for Bop It Download.

  • Re-added a notice to the ‘Collection’ tab about the page being temporarily disabled while an event takes place at the end of September 2024.

  • Updated the photo of Katherine in the ‘About’ tab.


  • Added the Test Mode Revision Number of a 3.0 German Bop It Classic, discovered by Reed.


  • Increased the total in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 208, adding a Latin American Spanish Bop It Classic from 2019 that may be a 3.0 revision.

  • Added the Test Mode Revision Number of the possible 3.0 Latin American Spanish Bop It Classic.


  • Increased the total Bop It number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 207, as a World’s Smallest Bop It is added for a project that ended up failing.


  • Removed the event that was set for Kat’s birthday, as that is now canceled.

  • Removed the event of the Bop Diva giveaway, as it is now postponed to a later date.

  • Removed TBA events that involved the Bop It Miku concept, as it has failed.

  • Modified some things on a page that is currently disabled, but will be available soon.


  • Removed a section in the ‘Collection’ tab that showed the New Year’s Eve 2023 special of the Bop It Collection showcase.

  • Added an event to the ‘Events’ tab for Kat’s birthday, as there will be a special on the Bop Diva YouTube channel set to premiere on that day.

  • Modified some things on a page that is currently disabled, but will be available soon.


  • Added a Revision Number to the ‘Test Modes’ page for a 2.0(?) version of the German Bop It Classic (2019). Thanks for the feedback, @NTSH.


  • Put a Notice announcement on the ‘Collection’ page that the page will be temporarily disabled from September 2, 2024 to September 29, 2024.

  • Added an event in the ‘Events’ tab that will last from September 3, 2024 to September 26, 2024 about a Bop Diva giveaway. The page with the link to enter the giveaway will temporarily take the place of the ‘Collection’ tab on the navigation bar for the time period of the giveaway.

  • Removed events that are no longer going to be worked on, as well as adding an event to the TBA section.


  • Added the Test Mode Revision Number for the Bop It (1997) discovered by @DunkinDonuts72.

  • Added the Bop It Stitch to the Collection Gallery.

  • Added the Bop It Stitch into the tally, making the number sit at 206.


  • Added another Bop It Classic 3.0 to the bunch on the thoughts that it would’ve been a 5.0, making the total to 205.


  • After a lot of thinking and considering, along with viewers of the Bop Diva YouTube channel agreeing that this should happen, the Bop It Extreme 2 concept I made earlier this year is technically still considered a Bop It, so it will count in the ‘Bopitropolis!’ total, thus increasing the number to 204.


  • Added Revision Numbers for the Bop It Stitch, as well as a possible 3.0 version of Bop It Micro Series. Also added the Revision Number for the Brazilian Portuguese Bop It Smash. (Thanks to Ryan and Kenny!)

  • Updated the About photo of Kat.


  • Corrected some mistakes in the Revision Numbers for the Bop It Leonardo and the Bop It Optimus Prime. The number at the beginning is the manufacturing code, also found on the instruction manual, starting with ‘F’, followed by a 4-digit number.


  • Adjusted some of the answers to the Q&A panels on the homepage to match the current status.

  • Increased the ‘Bopitropolis!’ total to 203, as I have picked up two Bop It units from the thrift store: a Bop It Baby Yoda and a Bop It Micro 1.0!


  • Added the new 2024 Optimus Prime Bop It to the Gallery in the ‘Collection’ tab.

  • Added the new 2024 Optimus Prime Bop It Revision Number in ‘Test Modes’.

  • Added the new 2024 Optimus Prime Bop It into the total in ‘Bopitropolis!’, making the total at 201! We’re not stopping anytime soon!


  • Removed the social link for Threads off the menu bar at the top of the website. The link is still active, just not displayed.


  • Reverted the website logo back to its normal state. Don’t worry, we still support LGBTQ+ fully!


  • Changed the headline on the homepage from ‘I am the Bop Diva!’ to ‘Welcome to the Diva-verse!’

  • The total amount of Bop It units has finally hit 200, making a very big milestone in Kat’s YouTube channel, as well as her Bop It passion of almost 16 years!

  • Adjusted something in the ‘Test Modes’ tab where it appears that both color variants of the Bop It Button (Bonus Edition) have the same Revision Number.

  • Removed events from the ‘Events’ tab that were past due.


  • Added a Bop It: Carabiner Edition from Canada with both English and French on the packaging, increasing the total number of Bop It units to 199!

  • Recorded, edited, uploaded, and scheduled a premiere for the 200th Bop It for Thursday, June 20!

  • Added a button below the ‘Bopitropolis!’ total that has a hyperlink to go to the video of Kat’s 200th Bop It!


  • Reactivated the Ballzerko page on the website due to some demanding kid trying to get what he wants.


  • Added a Bop It: Carabiner Edition that did not have Try Me capability when sealed in the package to ‘Bopitropolis!’, setting the total to 198!


  • Added a Bop It: Carabiner Edition with the Try Me capability in package to ‘Bopitropolis!’ making the total at 197.

  • Added an event to the ‘Events’ tab for a very special video of a milestone premiering on the Bop Diva YouTube channel for June 20, 2024.

  • Added an event under TBA for concept videos for a Bop It shaped like Hatsune Miku while the Bop It X-Stream concept is being set aside due to financial complications.


  • Added two World’s Smallest Bop It units to the total in ‘Bopitropolis!’ making a total of 196, inching closer and closer to reaching 200 total Bop It units!


  • Made a revision in the ‘Test Modes’ tab where it states an updated version of Every English Bop It Test Mode Ever would release later in 2024, and added the link to the video that was posted on May 19, 2024.

  • Made an adjustment to the bottom of the ‘Test Modes’ tab where the longest Bop It audio test on record is not the Bop It Button Retail Version (2023) but another Bop It instead that beats the Bop It Button’s record by almost a whole minute!


  • Updated the number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 194, adding another unit of the Bop It XT: Caliente Edition to collection on the road to 200, also in celebration of Pride Month.


  • Updated the number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 193, adding another unit of a Bop It (2009) Clear Edition to the collection on the road to 200!

  • Made a few minor adjustments to the ‘Test Modes’ tab, including changing the names of Bop It units that were listed as ‘Mexican Spanish’ to ‘Latin American Spanish’.

  • Deleted events that have been past due, as well as added some new events under a To Be Announced section on the ‘Events’ tab.

  • Removed Instagram from the social media tags on the navigation bar.

  • Re-added TikTok to the social media tags on the navigation bar.

  • Changed the link on the photo that had Instagram on it on the homepage to a link to Threads, as Threads is used more often.

  • Changed the site logo to have the rainbow Bop Diva logo, but including a border around it that says:


  • Changed the number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 192, adding a what was thought to be a 5.0 Bop It Classic, but turned out to be a 3.0 instead somehow.

  • Secretly made plans on what the 200th Bop It in Bopitropolis may turn out to be…


  • Changed the number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 191, adding a brand new Bop It XT in the box with English and French languages on the packaging. Most likely originated from Canada.


  • Changed the number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 190, adding a Bop It Micro Series (1.0) that was picked up from a garage sale!


  • Changed images of Kat on the homepage to ones of her with brown hair, replacing the blonde.


  • Revised a Revision Number mistake in the ‘Test Modes’ tab for the Italian version of Bop It Extreme 2.


  • Changed the number in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 189, adding a Bop It Original to the mix!


  • Added Revision Number to the ‘Test Modes’ tab for the Simon Challenge!, which is the name of the German Bop It Extreme 2 from 2004.


  • Removed the ‘Contact’ tab due to excessive amounts of messages being sent at one time. New users messaging and contacting will now only be available through social media profiles.

  • Removed the Facebook and Snapchat links from the social media section of the site.

  • Changed preview banner for when the site link is shared.


  • Updated the photo of Kat on the ‘About’ page.


  • Added two new pieces to the ‘Fan Art!’ tab created by one of my best online friends!

  • Added a statement to the bottom of the ‘Test Modes’ tab, saying that the Bop It 60-Second Test Mode series that has spread across YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram has now surpassed over 100K total views cross-platform!


  • Adjusted total Bop It count to 188. Added a Bop It (2009) Unit without a Hub TV sticker, and a Bop It Micro new in the 2014 box.


  • Added a Revision Number to the ‘Test Modes’ tab, thanks to feedback from a Bop Diva fan.


  • Adjusted total Bop It count to 186. Added two Bop It (2009) Units new in box, with two different Hub TV stickers.

  • Added and corrected some Revision Numbers to the ‘Test Modes’ tab, with helpful feedback from a Bop Diva fan. (Thank you for informing me on these, Reed!)

  • Removed an event from the ‘Events’ tab that was past the scheduled date.

  • Added some upcoming events to the ‘Events’ tab, as well as some that are considered TBA (To Be Announced) at this time.


  • Adjusted total Bop It count to 184.

  • Started adding and looking for Bop It units brand new in the box until the last few out-of-package versions can be found.


  • Made an adjustment to one of the Fan Art descriptions, as the creator’s username got changed.

  • Changed logo for main website header and footer.


  • Added a section into the Q&A panel on the homepage of a question wondering how my videos turn out so well.


  • Removed a section from the Q&A panel on the homepage regarding the logo design.


  • Added a piece of Fan Art to the page from a subscriber of Bop Diva on YouTube!

  • Fixed a link on the homepage that still had the link to an old Instagram tag.


  • Corrected a statement in the ‘Fan Art!’ tab where the term, ‘Kaisernation’ was still displayed, thanks to some feedback from a YouTube subscriber.


  • Modified my name in all parts of my website, as I have decided to change my last name to better match my identity.

  • Added the Revision Numbers of both versions of the Bop It Button (Bonus Edition) in the ‘Test Modes’ tab. Apparently, the Retail Edition from 2023, the OG variant of the Bop It Button (Bonus Edition), and the 2009 Variant all have different Revision Numbers.

  • Temporarily removed the TikTok option from the social media links on the page header, due to the possibility of U.S. Congress banning TikTok from the United States due to theories of the Chinese government stealing information through the platform. The link is replaced with my Threads profile, which is linked to Instagram.

  • Added a ‘Top Favs!’ page to showcase some of my favorite projects that I have created and displayed on my YouTube channel! The videos displayed in this page will also be in a playlist on my YouTube channel!

  • Updated social media links to new handles, due to the change in my last name.

  • Updated all social media links in my YouTube channel to the new handles.

  • Changed the photos of the main links on the homepage, as well as modified the Alt Text for each.

  • Changed the photo in the ‘About’ page, as well as modified the Alt Text for it.

  • Removed the photo in the ‘Contact’ page and expanded the text.

  • Fixed a button on the homepage to my YouTube channel that appeared to be a broken link, and I didn’t notice.


  • Decreased the ‘Bopitropolis!’ total down to 180, as one of the no-longer functioning Bop It Extreme 2 units is going to be redecorated as a prop for a video project coming out later in 2024.


  • Changed the cover art for when website link is shared through socials.

  • Added alternate text to each digit for the total in the ‘Bopitropolis!’ tab for accessibility with users with screen readers.

  • Disabled the ‘Ballzerko Leaderboard’ page from the website, as it is becoming less relevant to the current period.


  • Changed the website logo, as well as the favicon (the webpage icon inside the browser tab that contains the title).


  • Removed events that have passed or already happened.


  • The first pieces of Bop Diva fan art have been added to a new gallery in the ‘Fan Art!‘ tab.


  • Added a playlist on how to access Bop It Test Modes in 60 seconds from YouTube at the bottom of the ‘Test Modes’ tab.


  • Added a ‘Fan Art!’ page to the site, where some artwork by Bop Diva fans that have formed within the Kaisernation will be displayed! Artwork will be uploaded with the creator’s permission.


  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 181, after digging through some boxes in Kat’s computer room, a Bop It with Shout It was discovered in a plastic bag, and she didn’t even remember that the Bop It was in there!

  • The video planned in the ‘Events’ tab scheduled for March 19, 2023 is CANCELLED due to malfunction of technology required to create the video.


  • Removed Twitch channel from social links panel due to little space remaining on header.

  • Created a Ballzerko game leaderboard page, which was promoted on Kat’s YouTube channel. The page is not part of the site’s main navigation bar, but has its own page.


  • Added Twitch channel to the social links panel.

  • Added 2 images to the ‘Collection’ gallery.

  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 180 with another version of the Bop It Download (altered design in logo on the button).


  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 179 with another unit of the Bop It Maker to use for an upcoming video project.


  • Added a new ‘Events’ page to the website, specifically to promote a special premiere airing on Kat’s YouTube channel on 03.19.2024.

  • Added 5 new events to the agenda in the ‘Events’ tab.


  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 178 with another unit of the Bop It Extreme (2022) to use for a spare.

  • Updated the ‘Contact’ page by removing the ‘Send a Message’ block, as there was no sign of the message being received on our end after sending a test message. The ‘Send a Message’ Block has been replaced with a cute selfie of Kat with a dreamy expression. 🥺💭

  • Added Threads social media handle to a button in the header panel.


  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 177 with Bop It UK McDonald’s toy.


  • Added 62 Test Mode Revision Numbers to the ‘Test Modes’ page, some of which were retrieved from YouTube.

  • Added a new Q&A question to the ‘Home’ tab, with a response to the question of how many international languages Bop It has been programmed into.

  • Added a new Q&A question to the ‘Home’ tab, with a response to a question wondering how users can get their question answered on this Bop Diva website.

  • Updated ‘Home’ tab description mentioning that Kat also has Threads, along with her Instagram.

  • Added a fact about the shortest and longest Bop It Audio Test Modes on record in the ‘Test Modes’ tab, as well as video proof of them.


  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 176 with Bop It Bounce UK McDonald’s toy.

  • Added 4 new photos to ‘Collection’ gallery.

  • Added a detailed inventory list of how many Bop It units of each are in ‘Bopitropolis!’ with a button that links to a Google Sheets spreadsheet.

  • Added new ‘Updates’ page to website.

  • Added new ‘Test Modes’ page to website.

  • Added new custom 404 Error page to website for when user reaches broken links.


  • Increased total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 175 with German Bop It McDonald’s toy.

  • Added ‘Bop It Collection Update 2023’ embedded video from New Year’s Eve to ‘Collection’ page.


  • Modified all YouTube links to channel after changing the handle from @KatKaiKawaii to @BopDiva.


  • Modified total number of Bop It units in ‘Bopitropolis!’ to 174 after a miscalculation.

  • Bop Diva website now available to the public!

  • Bop Diva website added to YouTube channel homepage under social links.