What are Test Modes?
What are Test Modes?
A ‘Test Mode’ is a secret mode that is implemented into every electronic device that allows manufacturers to test the device’s functionality and sounds programmed in. For Bop It games, this can include the actions of the game, all sounds and audio voice clips put into the sound chip, lights, and some even have sensor testing. Often before you can access the sound test, you will hear a loud beep with a high frequency. That’s called a sine wave, and that tests the speaker.
When going into a Test Mode of a Bop It, you must either hold a certain combination of actions or buttons, then press in the RESET button, or remove a battery while holding actions and then reinserting the battery. Every Bop It has what’s known as a ‘Revision Number’, which is mostly used by manufacturers if a version of Bop It had a revision with some fixes, such as a better speaker, or a very slight change in the programming.
Check out Kat’s YouTube channel by clicking the link here, and find her video on every Bop It Test Mode ever! That video is from 2020, but there is now a 2024 updated version of the video, where Test Modes play from Longest to Shortest. You can find that video by clicking here. It’s also located at the bottom of this page.
But, for now, if you would like to know the Revision Numbers for each Bop It, some of which are the same version but different revisions, depending on the unit, you can check the list below. The Revision Numbers will be listed in order by the number from lowest to highest.
In this list, I am also including the Revision Numbers for ALL Bop It Test Modes that I can find off YouTube, so the ones in here that are in red are ones I do not have, but I have found their Revision Number on YouTube. The ones in teal are most likely all International / Foreign versions.
1 - Bop It Button (Retail Version) (2023)
(Mexico, Alto Puntuación) 1 - Bop It Micro Series (1.0, Latin American Spanish)
1.36 - Bop It New Moves
1.7 - Bop It Bounce
1.8 - Bop It Bounce (same version)
2 - Simon Challenge! (German Bop It Extreme 2)
2 - Bop It Extreme 2 (Italian)
(Italian, Punteggio) 2 - Bop It (2013) (Italian)
(Score) 2 - Bop It Olaf
(Score) 2 - Bop It Classic (2019) (French)
3 - Bop It Button (Bonus Edition) (both color variants) (2022)
(Score) 3 - Bop It BB-8 (2.0 version)
(Latin America) 3 - Bop It (2016) (Latin American Spanish)
(Spanish, Puntuación) 3 - Bop It Micro Series (European Spanish)
(Canada, Score) 3 - Bop It XT (French)
(France) 3 - Bop It Beats (French)
(Bop It Tetris! Netherlands Version) 3 - Bop It Tetris (Dutch)
(F9570, US) 3 - Bop It Optimus Prime
(Refresh Germany) 3 - Bop It Classic (2019) (4.0, German)
3 - Bop It Download (given by 3 rapid-fire beeps)
(Poland) 3 - Bop It (2016) (Polish)
4 - Bop It Extreme 2 (French)
4 - Bop It Smash (Latin American Spanish)
(Score) 4 - Bop It BB-8 (1.0 version)
(Score) 4 - Bop It Minion Stuart
(Score) 4 - Bop It with Shout It: Carabiner Edition
(Score) 4 - Bop It Classic (1.0 version)
(Score) 4 - Bop It Classic (2019) (1.0, German)
(Bop It Tetris! French Version) 4 - Bop It Tetris (French)
(Refresh US) 4 - Bop It Classic (3.0 version) & World’s Smallest Bop It (1.0 version)
(XT, 2nd Mask) 4 - Bop It Extreme (2022)
(French) 4 - Bop It Smash (French)
(French) 4 - Bop It (2016) (French)
(German, Score) 4 - Bop It XT (German)
4 - Bop It Stitch
(Spain) 4 - Bop It (2016) (European Spanish)
(Score) 5 - Bop It Classic (2.0 version)
(Refresh US) 5 - Bop It Classic (4.0 version) & World’s Smallest Bop It (2.0 version)
(Alto Puntuación) 5 - Bop It (2009) (Latin American Spanish)
(Refresh Lat. Am.) 5 - Bop It Classic (3.0, Latin American Spanish)
(Bop It Tetris! Mexico Version) 6 - Bop It Tetris (Latin American Spanish)
(Score) 6 - Bop It Classic (2013) (German)
6 - Bratz Bop It (given by doing 6 Bop sounds)
(Spider-Man US) 6 - Bop It Spider-Man
(Micro US) 6 - Bop It Micro Series (2.0 version)
(Micro MX) 6 - Bop It Micro Series (2.0, Latin American Spanish)
(Score) 6 - Bop It Classic (both 1.0 and 2.0, Latin American Spanish)
(France, Score) 6 - Bop It Micro Series (French)
(Japan, Tokuten) 6 - Bop It (Japanese)
(Bop It) 6A - Bop It Baby Yoda
(Brazil) 6 - Bop It Smash (Brazilian Portuguese)
(Mexico) 7 - Bop It XT (Latin American Spanish)
(Portuguese, Pontuação) 7 - Bop It (2009) (European Portuguese)
(F8159 US) 7 - Bop It Leonardo
(Score) 8 - Bop It Blast
(Score) 8 - Bop It Chewie
(French, Score) 8 - Bop It Classic (2013) (French)
(Micro US) 8 - Bop It Micro Series (possibly 3.0?)
(Score) 9 - Bop It Groot
(Bop It) 10 - Bop It Darth Vader
(Spain) 10 - Bop It Beats (Spanish)
(Score) 11 - Bop It R2-D2
(Germany) 11 - Bop It (2016) (German)
12 - Bop It Extreme 2
15 - Bop It (1997) (given by 15 Bop sounds)
(Score) 19 - Bop It (2009)
(Score) 20 - Bop It (2009) (same version)
(Score) 23 - Bop It Micro Series (1.0 version)
(US) 24 - Bop It Smash
(Bop It Tetris! US Version) 24 - Bop It Tetris
(Score) 28 - Bop It XT
31 - Bop It Maker
32 - Bop It Beats
32 - Bop It Freestyle (German Bop It Maker)
32 - Bop It Maker (Latin American Spanish)
64 - Bop It Extreme (1999) (given by doing 6 Twist and 4 Bop sounds)
Did you know...?
Did you know...?
You can check out the 2024 updated version of Every English Bop It Test Mode Ever where the Test Modes are played from Longest to Shortest in the video below!
Want to access the Test Modes?
Want to access the Test Modes?
There are so many versions of Bop It with so many different Test Modes for each one! Ones to test sounds, voice lines, actions, sensors, lights, positions (for those that you have to move around). Want to get into the Test Mode of your Bop It and see just how much sound is inside? Click the button below to get sent to a playlist on Kat’s YouTube channel to access the Sound Tests of Bop It games in a tutorial… in 60 seconds! These videos are also shown on Kat’s TikTok. Just remember: when you access the Test Mode, your high score will reset back to zero.
*Link will open in a new tab in your browser.