A gold-bezel wordmark logo that says, 'Divawards!' with a silver-bezel banner below that says, '2025'.


TUE, DEC 31, 2024 at 09:00 P.M. ET / 06:00 P.M. PT

For New Year’s Eve 2024, Katherine thought of doing something special that wouldn’t take 40 hours to edit and create (like last year’s special)… Below here will be a list of videos, as well as their video URLs, and all you have to do, is click this Google Form link here, and vote for your FAVORITE Bop Diva videos from 2024!

There are 3 main categories to vote in: Favorite Bop Diva Concept, Favorite Bop Diva Song, and Favorite Bop Diva Video Overall!

You can also vote for an EXCLUSIVE category: Favorite Bop Diva 60-Second Test Mode! The links will be provided for those as well. You don’t have to enter your email or any personal information or anything!

Just make your selections, and the top voted videos will have a different thumbnail stating that it’s a Bop Diva 2025 DIVAWARD Winner! (Note that in the list of videos there are some YouTube Shorts, and unfortunately, Kat can’t change the thumbnail for those, so it will be stated in the description instead.)

Voting will be open from Saturday, November 30, 2024 until Saturday, December 28, 2024, which gives the Bop Diva fans a full four weeks to vote for their favorites! The winning videos will be announced on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 as a (MUCH SHORTER) New Year’s Eve video premiere!



Videos listed here are sorted chronologically, from oldest (January 2024) to newest.

  1. XBOP Console First Time Setup & System Update (CONCEPT) - 01/09/2024 - https://youtu.be/QMeg43SWkMg

  2. Bop It Extreme Talking Clock Test 1 [AI Concept Edit] - 03/25/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/8DfMWmu-Gms?feature=share

  3. Bop It Extreme 2 (2025) Full Playthrough 100% (ALL 5 LEVELS!) [CONCEPT] - 03/28/2024 - https://youtu.be/waWeWq2nQLA

  4. Bop It Extreme 2 (2025) Concept Test Mode! - 05/01/2024 - https://youtu.be/F4qPzsk-8DE

  5. KENNETH!!!: The Video Game! | Animation by Katherine Larkspur - 05/07/2024 - https://youtu.be/cmfcOuhaeI8

  6. Bop It Miku Test Mode Audio [CONCEPT] - 06/06/2024 - https://youtu.be/dgZO4o_Vg-I

  7. iBopit 2 Commercial (2024) [FAN CONCEPT] - 08/13/2024 - https://youtu.be/qrkW8pCxXg8

  8. Kat OS 23 Wormhole Full Update & Installation [CONCEPT] - 09/26/2024 - https://youtu.be/of-6YpERqK4

  9. Bop It Katherine Full Test Mode Audio [CONCEPT] - 09/26/2024 - https://youtu.be/sjMp12j7cP0

  10. Bop It Katherine OFFICIAL Test Mode Audio (Concept) [FINAL] - 10/07/2024 - https://youtu.be/ZuPh651f0a0

  11. Bop It Katherine (2024) Official Gameplay Demo & Test Mode - 11/15/2024 - https://youtu.be/6pfD3O2YcFk



Videos listed here are sorted chronologically, from oldest (January 2024) to newest.

  1. The Eras of Bop It! - Original Lyrics by Katherine Larkspur - 06/10/2024 - https://youtu.be/DRckeUWFk9A

  2. Bop It Extreme 2 (2025) Concept Commercial Jingle! - 06/13/2024 - https://youtu.be/cOAv7D960vY

  3. ‘Bop It X-Stream!’ Official Lyric Video by Katherine Larkspur - 06/23/2024 - https://youtu.be/SelEsBfmRYk

  4. Bop It Maker Test Mode But It’s A Full Song! - 06/25/2024 - https://youtu.be/61Mvms7ZGtY

  5. Bop It Extreme (2022) Test Mode But It’s A Full Song! - 07/06/2024 - https://youtu.be/Bvwr6lKiWwo

  6. Bop It Tetris Test Mode But It’s A Full Song! - 08/08/2024 - https://youtu.be/4bqIj_N3Rhw

  7. ‘Bop It Extreme’ Techno-Pop AI Song - 08/30/2024 - https://youtu.be/CUUz0DmVupo



Videos listed here are sorted chronologically, from oldest (January 2024) to newest.

  1. How to Access Bop It Extreme (2022) Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 01/26/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/0HogvI7P4mw?feature=share

  2. How to Access Bop It (2009) Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 02/13/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/afkOrXJUcY4?feature=share

  3. How to Access Bop It Micro Series Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 02/18/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/lOuKQUJFCs0?feature=share

  4. How to Access Bop It Beats Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 02/20/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/Xk8e50P2reU?feature=share

  5. How to Access Bop It XT Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 02/25/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/h7nxC2vW2So?feature=share

  6. How to Access Bop It (2019) Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 02/25/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/E9gMkkQj6b0?feature=share

  7. How to Access Bop It Bounce Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 03/01/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/fgD8fNIGDG0?feature=share

  8. How to Access Bop It Smash Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 03/02/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/oCRB_DTofZc?feature=share

  9. How to Access Bop It Button Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 03/04/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/n-hBulKj5RE?feature=share

  10. How to Access Bop It Tetris Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 03/05/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/Vhj_fIGhQKo?feature=share

  11. How to Access Bop It Blast Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 04/01/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/-ZlZ3wHqBZE?feature=share

  12. How to Access Bratz Bop It Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 04/11/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/8QheR6hEHY0?feature=share

  13. How to Access Bop It Extreme 2 Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 04/11/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/HG92mRRr-tc?feature=share

  14. How to Access Bop It (2002) Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 04/11/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/grZMMNs1C44?feature=share

  15. How to Access Bop It Extreme (1999) Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 04/15/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/nMJ48U_hEZg?feature=share

  16. How to Access Bop It Original Test Mode… in 60 Seconds! - 05/01/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/ERz6sawavuo?feature=share



Videos listed here are sorted chronologically, from oldest (January 2024) to newest.

  1. Hypnotizing Bop It (In Honor Of World Hypnotism Day!) - 01/04/2024 - https://youtu.be/1-7Tkum2qks

  2. XBOP Console First Time Setup & System Update (CONCEPT) - 01/09/2024 - https://youtu.be/QMeg43SWkMg

  3. HOW In My Almost 16 Years Of Collecting Bop It Did I NOT Notice This?!?! - 01/11/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/E45Q3v2ezNk?feature=share

  4. When It Comes To The 2024 Bop It… (JOKE) - 01/31/2024 - https://youtu.be/JEZMC0tDKDs

  5. A CRAZY AMAZING Run On Bop It for Xbox 360! - 02/10/2024 - https://youtu.be/v363gbOeYVA

  6. Bop It (2016) Test Mode Demonstrations (feat. Boplexa) - 02/16/2024 - https://youtu.be/uok7ze5qtJk

  7. How To Draw Bop It Original… in 60 Seconds! - 02/17/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/nfRKj3fYKuI?feature=share

  8. An Unnecessary Compilation of Kat’s High School Friends Miserably Sucking at Bop It - 02/27/2024 - https://youtu.be/2NMzn6zRM34

  9. Bop It Maker Test Mode Demonstrations - 03/04/2024 - https://youtu.be/caAB1kCtCEo

  10. Bop 3Diva - Designing a 3D Bop It Extreme Dog for Bop It’s Anniversary! - 03/11/2024 - https://youtu.be/IL7G-L4Z93E

  11. Bop It Extreme Talking Clock Test 1 [AI Concept Edit] - 03/25/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/8DfMWmu-Gms?feature=share

  12. Bop It Extreme 2 (2025) Full Playthrough 100% (ALL 5 LEVELS!) [CONCEPT] - 03/28/2024 - https://youtu.be/waWeWq2nQLA

  13. Bop It Extreme 22 Needs Help! (5-Part Video) - 04/01/2024 - https://youtu.be/y04ym4_x_pI

  14. OPERATION: BOP WHAT? | April Fool’s Special 2024! - 04/01/2024 - https://youtu.be/A_r9St_6rhM

  15. How To Bop It! - Learn The Simple Basics of How to Play Bop It for New Players! - 04/22/2024 - https://youtu.be/WbODMK5CqWo

  16. Playing Bop It Boptagon on Xbox 360 Using The Kinect! - 04/23/2024 - https://youtu.be/1yk1iv3bnec

  17. Yet Another Unnecessary Compilation of Kat’s Other Friends Miserably Sucking at Bop It! - 04/29/2024 - https://youtu.be/R-bUlbnVm9k

  18. Bop It Extreme 2 (2025) Concept Test Mode! - 05/01/2024 - https://youtu.be/F4qPzsk-8DE

  19. Did I Predict The Bop It Extreme (2022)? - 05/03/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/x3JokexvrZA?feature=share

  20. KENNETH!!!: The Video Game! | Animation by Katherine Larkspur - 05/07/2024 - https://youtu.be/cmfcOuhaeI8

  21. Bop It Button Drawing Timelapse! - 05/09/2024 - https://youtu.be/6fgPiFi-ZjE

  22. Showing A Literally One-Of-A-Kind Bop It I Received As A College Graduation Gift in 2023! - 05/14/2024 - https://youtu.be/tdayyHz6Uxc

  23. Every English Bop It Test Mode Ever… But They Play From Longest To Shortest (2024 Update!) - 05/19/2024 - https://youtu.be/Pfu8vvieAxk

  24. My New Bop It Voicemail Greeting! - 05/25/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/Lo2fz9WVWuM

  25. Bop 3Diva - Creating a 3D Model of an OG Bop It Extreme For A Future Project! - 05/25/2024 - https://youtu.be/XW84BPmqgks

  26. World’s Smallest Simon Review! - 05/29/2024 - https://youtu.be/OPdsoC5Fkmc

  27. A Bop It + Tetris Connection From BEFORE The Bop It Tetris?! - 05/30/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/v6613_yjhgg?feature=share

  28. Bop It Miku Test Mode Audio [CONCEPT] - 06/06/2024 - https://youtu.be/dgZO4o_Vg-I

  29. The Eras of Bop It! - Original Lyrics by Katherine Larkspur - 06/10/2024 - https://youtu.be/DRckeUWFk9A

  30. Bop It Extreme 2 (2025) Concept Commercial Jingle! - 06/13/2024 - https://youtu.be/cOAv7D960vY

  31. Bop It Extreme with Smooth Transitions! - 06/13/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/XlQz7zxLWDQ?feature=share

  32. Unboxing My 200th Bop It! (This is CRAZY!) - 06/20/2024 - https://youtu.be/KopAIN_zQU4

  33. ‘Bop It X-Stream!’ Official Lyric Video by Katherine Larkspur - 06/23/2024 - https://youtu.be/SelEsBfmRYk

  34. Bop It Maker Test Mode But It’s A Full Song! - 06/25/2024 - https://youtu.be/61Mvms7ZGtY

  35. Bop Diva Presents: Make It, Practice It, Do It… Yourself! | A DIY Project by Katherine Larkspur - 07/02/2024 - https://youtu.be/rVjHuWW0oHU

  36. Bop It Extreme (2022) Test Mode But It’s A Full Song! - 07/06/2024 - https://youtu.be/Bvwr6lKiWwo

  37. What If Bop It Knew Your Name?? - 07/06/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/eZNk6ik8ndw?feature=share

  38. A Bop It Type Minigame in Wii Party?! - 07/10/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/7j53HQGcFpk?feature=share

  39. Bop It Optimus Prime (2024) Unboxing, Gameplay, and Test Mode! - 07/11/2024 - https://youtu.be/H1wUn4FqXQU

  40. Bop It Stitch (2024) Unboxing, Gameplay, and Test Mode! - 07/24/2024 - https://youtu.be/6VgzsWBpx3w

  41. If Bop It’s Origin Was The U.S.S.R. (JOKE) - 07/27/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/rhUw7yoDVHU?feature=share

  42. Bop It Ballet - An Original Animation by Katherine Larkspur - 07/28/2024 - https://youtu.be/pcxghLpYRG4

  43. Building A Bop It Extreme On My iPhone - 07/30/2024 - https://youtu.be/UdGuXbSClS4

  44. Bop It Tetris Test Mode But It’s A Full Song! - 08/08/2024 - https://youtu.be/4bqIj_N3Rhw

  45. Latin American Spanish Bop It Classic (2019) Unboxing & Test Mode (Possibly a 3.0?) - 08/12/2024 - https://youtu.be/jAGoYnaRknQ

  46. iBopit 2 Commercial (2024) [FAN CONCEPT] - 08/13/2024 - https://youtu.be/qrkW8pCxXg8

  47. How Do Bop It’s Get Their Pitches? - 08/14/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/qJ6BnRxl-2A?feature=share

  48. Behind the Scenes! How I Work The Bop Diva Website! - 08/26/2024 - https://youtu.be/Ltwm4p5wfjc

  49. ‘Bop It Extreme’ Techno-Pop AI Song - 08/30/2024 - https://youtu.be/CUUz0DmVupo

  50. Bop It Download Test Mode Demonstrations - 09/01/2024 - https://youtu.be/HQLsT37Wln4

  51. Are Bop It & Nickelodeon Connected More Than We Thought?! - 09/14/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/EhKj_5lDg9M?feature=share

  52. Bop It Arcade Beaten At Max Score! [Full Gameplay With Custom Animations By Yours Truly!] - 09/15/2024 - https://youtu.be/O2L1z9nhFfA

  53. Kat OS 23 Wormhole Full Update & Installation [CONCEPT] - 09/26/2024 - https://youtu.be/of-6YpERqK4

  54. Bop It Katherine Full Test Mode Audio [CONCEPT] - 09/26/2024 - https://youtu.be/sjMp12j7cP0

  55. There’s YET ANOTHER Unique Connection With Bop It and Nickelodeon?! - 10/06/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/qWhaXmf3TmU?feature=share

  56. The Uncanny Coincidence of ‘C-290B’! - 10/06/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/Tzoa8hvvCKQ?feature=share

  57. Bop It Katherine OFFICIAL Test Mode Audio (Concept) [FINAL] - 10/07/2024 - https://youtu.be/ZuPh651f0a0

  58. Version 2.0 3D Render • Original Render by Katherine Larkspur. - 10/10/2024 - https://youtube.com/shorts/HFuA2NjdZWE?feature=share

  59. 'Boptor Jekyll and Ms. Larkspur' | Bop Diva Halloween Special 2024! - 10/31/2024 - https://youtu.be/W1iahzJqkBQ

  60. Snake Attack Game Unboxing & Review - 11/12/2024 - https://youtu.be/Mlpq70k0wWo

  61. Bop It Katherine (2024) Official Gameplay Demo & Test Mode - 11/15/2024 - https://youtu.be/6pfD3O2YcFk